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Say goodbye to your friends, and don't forget to talk to the Mayor. He will give you some ketchup to boost your HP. You'll see the Sandshark up ahead, but don't fight him yet- head East.
By the ocean you'll find a bucket. Run into it to pick it up. Then head back to the village and battle the Sandshark.
Heal yourself right away. The Sandshark is weak, but you haven't learned any spells yet and can only Attack with your sword. You might need to Heal again later on, but probably not.
Run up and talk to the cat. It will disappear, giving you some much needed MP. Say hello to the mysterious wizard, who will give you a spell. The witch is right there, but take care of her later. For now, head North and battle the Werewolf.
The Werewolf has a powerful attack, but he is very vulnerable to your new spell, Fireball. Hit him about 4 times with it, and you shouldn't even have to worry about Healing.
Run up to the Mayor of Wallace, and collect some ketchup. Talk to the villagers, one of whom warns you of the 'bloodthirsty dwarf' to the West.
The Dwarf has an incredibly high amount of HP- 75. But each time he attacks he only knocks you down 1 or 2 Hp, so just hit him with Fireballs until you run out, and then Attack him. A long battle, but you'll come out on top almost every time.
Now you are in Bateston, a small river village. Talk to the Mayor, and this time he not only gives you ketchup, but directions as well. Past the river on the West are the Stormy Mountains. Visit them later. Head up North, where Rian is stopped by a guard demanding a ticket. Head back down to the Witch, and fight her.
The Witch has powerful magic, but if you followed instructions and went North first, Rian should take care of her pretty quickly.
The village of Bodego is very grateful that you killed the witch for them. Grab some ketchup from the Mayor, and go down to the lower left corner house. Get the ticket, and head back to Bateston. Don't bother with the rabbit- you can't get rid of it yet. But take note, and remember, what do rabbits like to eat? Give the ticket to the guard and head north.
The first creature you encounter is a purple monster. This is a tough one. Continually hit it with the Fireball, until you have enough MP for only one more. This is decision time. If you have more HP than the monster at this point, you're doing well, so go ahead and cast Fireball again. If the monster is ahead, there's a good chance you'll lose, so hopefully you saved. Heal, and hope for the best.
Continue along the lonely path until you reach the village of Overlook. Chat with the villager, and learn of a fabled town high in the Stormy Mountains. The Mayor will give you ketchup and a warning about Polar Bears. Sure enough, there's one guarding the Northern passageway.
Polar Bear
He's vicious, but don't let him scare you. Being a snow creature, he's very vulnerable to Fireball, so hit him with it repeatedly. You'll only barely kill him, but stick to your guns and don't Heal.
Talk to the Mayor, and then look around for a Pass. It's right there, behind the house on the far right. You need it to cross the river to the West.
Head back down through the Meadows and Forest, and cross the river to the West.
Stormy Mountains
First thing to do is head West and battle the Dragon.
The Dragon is one of the toughest enemies in the game. Once mistake and you die. It's ability to fly enables it to dodge the Fireballs you hurl, so just use Attack and Heal. If you've talked to all the Mayors you can, you should beat it. Start off by using all your MP to Heal and raise your HP to around 75. Unfortunatley, it's attacks hurt you a lot more then you hurt it, so just slash away, and see if you can outlast it.
After defeating the Dragon, head West as far as you can, and then go South into the caves. I suggest you save immediatley. Upon entering the underground labyrinth, you will be confronted by 3 pathways. Two lead to death. I'll let you learn from experience. When you have found the correct one, you get to navigate through another maze, this one much more difficult. Head South as far as you can go, go East as far as you can, go North until the turn, then go East. Take the first South, and continue until you reach the intersection. Then head West. There will be an opening to the South. Follow that down until the turn, and you should be able to figure it out from there without help. Grab the gem, and head back out to the mountains.
Take the North path up until you reach the Yeti. Before you rush off to fight it, take a look at the upper right hand corner of the screen. This maze is considerably easier then the last one, but don't try and approach the plum from the East. Get the plum, then head back down and attack the friendly evil Snow Monster.
The Fireballs just bounce off this one. Alternate between Healing and Attacking.
Go West until Rian's made it to what looks like that legendary city you've heard so much about. There's a Llama block in the way of your entrance, so head back out, and down to the river. Don't cross the bridge- head North and fight the Rattlesnake.
Every hit it makes against you is poisioned, and hurts you a ton. Quickly unleash Fireballs at him and burn it alive.
After killing the Rattlesnake, go East and have Rian reunite with his old friend Aeric. Go back the way you came, and go North to the Desert.
There is a gold cup on the far right of the screen. Leave the path, go North as soon as you can, and note to bald patch of Cacti in the center of the column. Go into it, and head North through the opening. Go around the cacti, but underneath the three jutting NorthEast. If you are not lost and confused then, head South, grab the cup, and go back the way you came. Follow the Western pathway until you reach an intersection with a Lion guarded by two fences, and a Bird guarded by none. (On your way over, there's a Mummy to the North, but since he's blocked by a fence, ingore him for now) Take the North path to the magic well, and if you got the bucket by the ocean at the start of the game, Rian will dip it in and recieve MP. Now go South.
The Roc is a strange bird that uses brain waves to suck HP from Rian. This unique ability allows it to attack you every few seconds, and doesn't wait for its turn. You don't have much time to think, so just cast Fireball as often as you can, Heal if you have and MP left, and then Attack.
Continue South, and meet the cat and wizard again. Run into the cat for MP, and talk to the wizard. Rian learns his name is Merlin, and recieves another spell before the mysterious old man disappears again. Now you're ready to face the Lion. Head North, and then West. If you picked up the gem in the caves Rian will insert it into the gate and it will move out of the way.
Make sure you have the Lightning Bolt spell, or you'll stand no chance. Strike him with it until he dies.
Visit the village of Townsville. Learn about a giant squid that no hero can kill. Sounds like a good job for Rian. But the way South is blocked, so talk to the Mayor and head North. You'll see what looks like just another ordinary villager, but you're in for a surprise.
Evil Wizard
The Evil Wizard has all the spells you should have, more HP, and infinate MP. Fortunatley for Rian, however, he's much weaker. Zap him with the Lightning Bolt a few times, until you run out of MP. Now your problems start. Rian's sword only hurts him a little compared to the damage he does to Rian with the Lightning Bolt, so hope you got as much ketchup as you could. You might be tempted to Heal, or cast Fireball, but it's more efficent to use your MP on Lightning Bolt.
Continue North, and talk to the farmer. He'll give you the reason for the game's title. Before you leave, look over his farm for something useful- A Carrot! Now- what eats carrots and is in your way?
But before you make the long journey back to Bodego, visit the village to the North. If you got the grail in the desert maze, the Mayor will 'reward you handsomely' with a sacred llama. Doesn't take a genius to figure out where that can be used.
Talk to the villager in the red to learn about this fabled city. If you got the plum, give it to the villager in the green. If not, it's just outside the city, among the rocks. He'll give you a key to open the door blocking you from that Giant Squid. And don't forget to chat with the Grand Llama- he'll give you twice as much ketchup as your average Mayor.
To get here, you need to feed a carrot to the rabbit in Bodego. When you first enter you will see a Dinosaur, and a Swamp Monster. To the West is an ROUS. It's up to you who you battle first.
Very vulnerable to Lightning Bolt. Only damages you considerably when you mock the artwork.
Swamp Monster
Hit him with Lightning Bolt a few times, and then Attack with Rian's sword. If you've gotten plenty of ketchup, you should do fine.
Past the Dinosaur and the Swamp Monster are pathways leading to levers. You need to pull both these levers to open the Western pathway.
Very strong, but is easily damaged. There are two basic strategies here. You can spend all of your MP Healing and then Attack, or you can spend it all casting Lightning Bolt and then Attack. I perfer a mix of the two, spending most of it on Lightning Bolt and just one Heal. That way I can ensure a win, but sit there all day fighting it. Rian's sword Attack the the ROUS's attack are of about the same strength, but Rian's is just a tiny bit better, and in the long run you can expect to win by about 10 HP if you manage to knock the ROUS down to Rian's HP with the Lightning Bolts or Heal.
At the end of the Westward path is Merlin and hit cat again. Merlin gives you two spells this time. Exit the swamps, and head to the desert.
Loose Ends
You have two new spells- Ice Blast and Gill Splat. Gill Splat only works against creatures with Gills, so go ahead and use Ice Blast until you run out of HP. It costs more, so you'll probably have some spare MP even after you can't cast it anymore. In this case you want to use Fireball. Spend your remaining 2 or 3 MP on that, and then Attack until the Mummy is vanquished.
North of the Mummy is a Guard, who refuses Rian without a password. So head back to Townsville, where you can now open the South gate.
Giant Squid
I pity the people who try and fight this guy without first visiting Merlin in the swamp. Use Gill Splat twice and it's gone.
Now visit the Southern coastal village. The villager in yellow has a password to tell you, and the Mayor has some ketchup. Head back up to the guard and prepare for the final battle by saving.
Tell the guard the password, and enter the evil Mustard Commander's lair, where he has the Princess Katai prisoner. Rian rushes to her, but the Mustard Commander won't give her up without a fight.
Mustard Commander
He's tough, but Ice Blast and Attack should help you succeed.
Copyright 2002 Adam Roberts
Nothing Is Written Productions